Burton Regatta Weekend 8th and 9th July
13 Wins across the weekend for Union crews !! Including the coveted Bass Challenge Vase for Open 8’s. Wall to Wall sunshine on both days saw NURC compete at the highest levels in many events. New contests and past battles were settled on the river. Well done everyoneBurton Regatta (08/07/2016)
Op.8+ (and Bass Challenge Vase): Sam Muir, Matthew Grocock, Andrew McNamara, Huw Davies, Mark Bromley, Andy Taylor, Harry Townsend, Sam Simons, Alex Grocock (cox)
Op.MasC/D.4+: John Kenyon (composite with Nottingham RC)
Burton Sprint (09/07/2016)
Op.2x Band 1: Harry Townsend, Simon Hughes
W.2x Band 1: Izzy Nix, Ciara Bingham
W.J15.4x+: Ciara Bingham, Tilly Thomas, Izzy Nix, Eben Goode, Evie Tyler (cox)
W.J15.2x; Lucy Patchett, Grace Rigby
W.J15.1x: Lucy Patchett
W.J14.4x+: Liv Stevenson, Rhia Ong, Beth Taylor, Lucy James, Niamh Dunn (cox)
W.J14.2x: Evie Tyler, Alex Rainbow
W.J13.4x+: Cerys Rigby, Niamh Kirkham, Evie Newman, Amelia Apps, Alex Rainbow (cox)
Op.J13.2x: Dom Burrows, Will Knowles
Op.J12.2x: George Rainbow, Daniel Waddell
W.J12.1x: Mai Drury